Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Worrying about nothing

Apparently we are all free of worry and strife. Our days golden, our nights peaceful (or passionate, as we may desire). The hopes we have are that others will know the shining joy that is ours, for we can hope for no more for ourselves. Our homes are lovingly kept, our relationships solid, fulfilling and wrapped in a contentment that has no dullness. Every morning we arrise knowing that we will arrive to work rested and ready to face any crisis (not that there are any), our lunches are wholesome and tasty. We commute with narry a traffic jam to upset us or a homeless guy threatening to spit on us if we don't give him money. Dinner is divine. Television uplifting. And we sleep the sleep of the righteous.
All is well in Worryville.
We have nothing to worry about at all.