Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Glorioski! HBO tries to make up with me.

I will never forgive HBO for the whole Deadwood business. You take a show that is not simply the perfect marriage of art and entertainment, a show for which I would lay down before a wild horse in the throughfare, and not only do you cancel it, but you fuck with and generally try the emotions of it's fans and admirers by dicking around in a mindless fashion about if you are going to do follow up movies to finish the story.

You are dead to me HBO, you and Joss Weidon, dead.

Except HBO is trying to make it up to me by buying the rights to produce George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and produce it as a show, not a mini-series.
This is confirmed folks, not a rumour.

Needless to say I am worried about the casting.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Do you have it?

If you don't it may be cause for concern.

(And yes, this is now my favorite commercial of all time for a product that I find a little revolting).

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Sorry for all of the worry

In our new, worry-free, world, I may have caused the slightest bit of worry recently, and for that I humbly apologize.

As for everything else, I regret nothing.

Happy New Year.