Tuesday, March 06, 2007

wishful thinking

So last night I am stuck at work at like 8:30 at night, doing some mind-numbingly stupid paperwork, getting more frustrated by the moment and wishing that there was something that I could do to make the people who were making me do it suffer as much as I was, but recognizing that there was nothing I could do about it. So of course John Galt pops into my head. John Galt was was screwed over by the nonesense of the world and did do something about it. and the first thing that pops into my head is:

"I wish I was John Galt."

This statement is so true. It was true last night and it is true this morning. I wish I could stop the world and get off, but more than that I want to make everyone realize that I have stoped participating and make them suffer for it. I love this idea - it sums up every irritation i have with the world and makes it seem like there is a way to get even.

How childish, immature and pouty is that of me? Sometimes I amaze myself at my capacity for being an ass.

Friday, March 02, 2007

my daily surreal moment

I don't know why I went here, but I did and we should be thankful:

Thou spleeny clapper-clawed bugbear!

The Future is Now

This is why I like living in the future!
What could be better than this?

If only they had been wearing little gestapo uniforms!

And something for Misreal

I'm not even sure how I came across this.

But... yeah, I'm going to have to go with what he said.