Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Year Ago Today

There is something strange about knowing exactly where you were at a given moment on a given day a year earlier. Even on a day like Christmas or Halloween or a birthday most people have a hard time saying, "Oh, yeah, 4:22 pm, I was sitting in my cousin's kitchen eating chocolate cake," or, "11:23 am? Yeah, I was standing outside looking at traffic."
Only tragedy allows for that perfect clarity of memory.
Today there are literally millions of Americans who can remember exactly where they were at this moment last year. Where they were and what they were doing every moment of that day.
For the last two days I have been able to remember exactly where I was at any given moment a year ago. Now, granted, yesterday was easy, on August 28th 2005 from about 10:30 am until about 9pm I was in a car. Except for a brief bathroom break around 5ish in Jackson, Mississippi I was in a tiny red car with my husband, two very cool, very interesting Brits, a pile of luggage, canned goods and bottled water.
Actually, a year ago today I was in that car again, minus the Brits and most of the luggage, and, at 4:30 we were probably just outside of Champagne, just starting to hear on the radio about the levees.
Which is funny, because no one in federal government seems to have heard about them for another day or two.
They were probably all much too busy to listen to the radio.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tired, oh so tired

I can't remember the last time I was as tired as I have been the last week without being sick. I get up in the morning and I can't believe that I slept at all the night before. As the day goes on nothing gives me any more energy. By the time I get home I have to force myself to walk home and then up the stairs, mostly because living on the blue line would be...unpleasant.

I don't know if I am going through a low-grade depression, or I need vitamins or if I just need to sleep for about three weeks, but nothing seems to help.

All of which is nothing more than a pitiful excuse for not writing anything here worth reading.

In other news, Raindog, where are my dvds? That's what I thought.
Bite me.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Today's PSA

Short, Pithy, and Out of Control


Monday, August 07, 2006

Creepy men of history, vol. one

James Lileks (who confuses me mightily. His politics border on the grotesque. Yet he is funny. And witty. And likes the gays. And fluffy doggies. So go figure.) brings us the work of Art Frahm, an artist who proves that the world was full of perverts with exotic fetishes long before the internet was even a dream in the mind of a madman-


Friday, August 04, 2006

Cool Friday Time-Killer

100 Best Music Videos from Pitchfork Media.

Friggin' sweet. Bunch I've never seen or only half-remember, but a ton here that just made me happy after another crappy week at work.

More later as I watch more.