Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tired, oh so tired

I can't remember the last time I was as tired as I have been the last week without being sick. I get up in the morning and I can't believe that I slept at all the night before. As the day goes on nothing gives me any more energy. By the time I get home I have to force myself to walk home and then up the stairs, mostly because living on the blue line would be...unpleasant.

I don't know if I am going through a low-grade depression, or I need vitamins or if I just need to sleep for about three weeks, but nothing seems to help.

All of which is nothing more than a pitiful excuse for not writing anything here worth reading.

In other news, Raindog, where are my dvds? That's what I thought.
Bite me.


Blogger Greg said...

Frankly, your DVDs are in protective custody and hidden with a foster family in Arizona. Or was it New Mexico? While you're probably not a danger to yourself, you probably *are* a danger to video media of any kind in your current condition.

I suspect they'll find your way back to you as soon as I can duplicate some stuff for you. But then, I'm not only tired, but lazy. So there.

Had the weirdest sleep last night. Fitful, I guess. Twitchy. The kind of sleep where you dream you've eaten your pillow and wake up to find the bare remnants of the giant marshmallow you've been saving until X-Mas under your bed.

Lazy was taking yesterday off, looking at my lawn, and saying, "pfft, that can get another few inches higher before I have to hire professional bush-clearers. Fuggit!"

6:33 AM  

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