Wednesday, February 28, 2007

As long as we are being sexist pigs..

Amy Smart

I am actually suprised at the number of things she has been in - hopefully everything else was better than Crank...
of course, that's not saying much.


Blogger Greg said...

Yes, she's very pretty and I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers, but she also frightens me a little. I'm not entirely convinced she's human.

On the flip-side, one of the people I work with adopted a Russian girl, apparently, who dropped by the office yesterday. I swear to god, she's ~14 and looks like the picture you posted (except, I imagine, tinier). Can't remember the last not-legal girl I saw that made me look twice. Okay, three times. Maybe four.

I didn't even feel like a dirty old man, it was such a freak occurance.

9:55 AM  

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