Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Talking About the Weather

Seriously, what the hell? It's July 12th, 75-degrees outside, and according to my "sources" we're at 97% humidity. It feels much worse than that, really to the point that it really feels like standing in the rain only without, you know, any water actually falling on you. Yesterday, for maybe a few hours, we had something approaching normal rain, though since winter it's literally been T-storms or nothing down here.

So would you guys PLEASE stop screwing around with your weather dominators, dark magics/majiks, and general amateur mad-scientistism. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm guessing you're not going to figure it out at all.

On another note, the power company was by the house a few days ago to "trim back" my tree from the power lines. Apparently, this is a process that involves releasing a pack of 6-foot-long cybernetic squirrels with chainsaws for feet and letting them have at it for 2 or 3 hours. (The squirrels also shoot wasps out of their mouths and have orange Fanta for blood, because wasps love orange Fanta. But that's neither here nor there.)


Blogger misreall said...

So what happens if you use grape Fanta instead? Or is that better not to know?

9:42 AM  

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