Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Appropo of nothing

Jo, Tanabe, Arume, and Rei: Anime freaks of nature.

I have never ever met a woman with red eyes. I think, however, that I want to, even if it means the occaisional attempted stoning/burning in public. Might add spice!

Current Spice as Metaphor for Mood: Bay Leaf


Blogger Greg said...

Watched last night:

Pic One [Burst Angel] Not that great but a strange guilty pleasure.

Pic Two [Planetes] Really like the show. Part of it is that I love underdog stories where they don't win the world series, save the world, or become famous, but rather win some of the little battles, continue to get by, and move on. (Also really like sci-fi that takes a realistic view of the future, where advances in technology doesn't directly lead to jumpsuits and either too aggressive or too passive behavior. A future that's a lot like now, only with more stuff that we've adapted to.)

Anyway, was just weird to watch two shows back-to-back with red-eyed characters.

12:28 PM  
Blogger samiam said...

I just want to point oput that this:


(cycle through the images on the right)

proves just how little you know.

hah - the future does lead to jumpsuits and deadly hovercars for everyone!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

"Deadly Hovercars" is a crappy band name.

1:52 PM  
Blogger samiam said...

Hovercars of Death would be much better.

2:15 PM  

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