Thursday, June 22, 2006

It's Sightastic!

So I have a ton of work to do the next few days. I teach today and tomorrow (which is okay, except it would have been better not to have to teach tomorrow), have to move a bunch of equipment to our new "media lab," and--ha ha!--found out this morning that I have to attend several meetings/interviews the next few days because we're interviewing for an assistant assmuncher-manager. And thus a little over an hour ago we had a severe storm pass over that knocked out half our power. Our building's wiring is such that it seems that either the lights work but the computers are down, or vice versa. Except my office. No lights, no computers. I'm currently writing this on the little iMac at the front counter.

And let me just say that I fucking hate battery backups. Any time the power goes out or fluctuates for .001 seconds, I'm suddenly surrounded by what sounds like the most pathetic robot invasion since Signs (that's my new theory: they were robots and rusted very very easily). The many *beep-beep-beep*s of the APCs around the lab seems to be technology's way of saying, "I'm not touching you, is this bothering you? I'm not touching you, is this bothering you?" So my crisis management largely involves crouching under tables and trying to find all the backups that are going off, mumbling curses that would make a gypsy blush. This is because battery backups, unless you buy new ones every 9 months, never seem to work very well. Damn things.

Still tired. My persistant "blah" cold/condition/allergies of the last few weeks is better, though I am still contemplating swapping out my insides with things found in the back of my refrigerator.

On a happier note... I'll get back to you on that, okay?


Blogger Greg said...

Power came back on around 11, along with the heat. Which was good because it was getting so gosh-darn chilly in here.

Thankfully, my office is a pleasant 90-degrees at the moment and I cancelled my class in the training room. Bunch of sissies complained about the heat, 12-computers, 12 people, and small fires I lit in the corners.

I only wish I'd worn shorts and brought a blender full of margaritas.

12:34 PM  
Blogger misreall said...

If you ever wear shorts (as regular clothing, not for working out), you had better take pictures.

11:48 AM  

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