Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Excellence in Television

It is interesting to note that, for a few years at least, television has actually better than the movies on a pretty regular basis.
At one time I watched nothing on regular tv. I might surf around a little so I had some awareness of what was on, but for at least ten years that was how close I came to viewing. In the rare case of actually finding a show that I could love, like Homicide, I usually found it after it was off the air and would watch it in reruns. That seemed purer, somehow.
Then came Buffy.
I loved Buffy. God help me I still do. I loved her boyfriend/spinoff Angel. I am still bitter about how his series ended (you are dead to me, Wedon, dead!). But when they were both cancelled I felt a certain relief. I could go back to being someone who occasionally caught an episode of something and moved on.
Then came 24 and Jack Bauer. It has been downhill for me ever since. In all fairness it has been downhill for 24 as well.
Now, on a weekly basis, I watch 24 (I love you, but you hurt me), Lost (you hurt me, and everyone else, but I love you), Veronica Mars (don't hurt me, please), Top Chef (although my utter hatred of Stephen might drive me away), and Dr. Who (which they have just started showing on the SciFi channel and is giving me nostalgia chills).
And that is only because Deadwood and Rome are between seasons. And Project Runway. And I usually forget that Scrubs is on.
And now, Thief.
Thief stars Andre Brauer of the heretofor mentioned Homicide (he also went to school with my friend Larry. And I adore him.), as the head of a professional gang of thieves. He lives in New Orleans but doesn't work there. I imagine this started out as a don't shit where you eat thing, and now there is nothing there to steal. In the opening episode he and his crew steal money that belongs to a triad, his wife dies in a car accident, and he has to kill one of his own men - a guy he clearly likes. And now he is stuck with a stepdaughter who kinda hates him and knows too much, and a has to do a risky job in order to make up for the money he had to return to the Chinese. Who are still after him. Damn their wiley tenacity!
It is gritty, smart and moody. It reminds me of Homicide in that it seems real and not everyone is too good looking to play who they are. One episode in and I am horribly, horribly hooked.
Someone save me.


Blogger samiam said...

it sounds like you really need a Tivo. Or at least a digital cable box with a PVR built in - think of everything you could watch then!

2:14 PM  

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