Monday, March 27, 2006

I wish I could lose my mind.

When I was younger I thought the worst possible thing that could happen would be going insane. The idea of not having control of the only thing that seemed to work properly, that I had any say over, seemed the most nightmarish thing possible.

Right now it seems like it would be the bestest thing that could ever happen.

On the other hand Slither is coming out this weekend.
I love me some Nathan Fillion.


Blogger samiam said...

I will stick with insanity over Slither, thank you very much.

(There were only the two choices, right?)

2:04 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Or a poke in the eye.

You can *always* choose a poke in the eye.

Where's everyone been, hmmmmm?

12:31 PM  
Blogger misreall said...

I was here. I wrote.
Not a lot, but I wrote.
My fucking job is killing me.

1:29 PM  

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