Saturday, April 15, 2006

Desert Island

Everyone has their own desert island list. What movies you would want (because who is going to be shipwrecked without dvd capability?), what books, what cd, whatever.
And what you chose changes as you get older. You might, at one point, choose only the things you love the most, assuming that you and your taste are never going to change, that what you love is deathless, at least to you.
And then maybe you go into a phase where you want things you have yet to experience, but feel that you want to or should, based on recieved ideas of excellence or taste.
And then you think, "Um, yeah, I am never actually going to be on a desert island, and even if I am I am going to be way to busy worrying about eating and keeping healthy and safe and being rescued to worry about reading The Three Fucking Musketeers, again."
But since this Worryville I figure we should worry about everything. So give me five boys, five of anything that you would want on a desert island-five of anything in a catagory, as long as it is completly impractical-movies, shoes, clock radios, chili recipes, conversation to replay (an be wittier when you have them)-just five of any useless thing that you can't imagine being without.


Blogger samiam said...

the only problem is that I don't know the name of 5 supermodels...

8:42 AM  
Blogger misreall said...

You could make up names-really sexy, useless ones.

11:06 AM  
Blogger samiam said...


Candi, Bambi, Carlie, Sindee and uhh...



12:27 PM  
Blogger misreall said...

I thought you said supermodels. Supermodels are called things like
Chaunclaire or Naytya or Vaundra.

Candi, Bambi and the girl, those are Penthouse Pets. And therefore probably better for the island scenario. Actual supermodels are used to being waited on hand and foot (in a not sexy way), and they tend to pass out when they don't have their daily cracker and pellegrino. Penthouse pets are more about waiting on you, and since they are mostly made of silicone and fairy dust don't need food at all!

1:12 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Top 5 Canned Soups:

5. Campell's Tomato Rice
4. Hungry Man Classic Chicken Noodle
3. W. Puck's Beef Burgandy
2. Hungry Man Bacon & Potato
1. W. Puck's Chicken Tortilla

The power of these soups will be the motive force of my inventions, leading to my eventual salvation.

(Puck makes some tasty canned soup. Their creamy chicken rice soup is awesome as well, but I couldn't have that nazi taking up too much of the list...)

6:37 AM  
Blogger misreall said...

Ok, I'll do it myself-

Five things I can see in my office that I would like to have on a desert island-

1. My stapler - it is a really nice one and I don't want anyone else here to have it.
2. My David Sedaris poster - to make my cave (or hut, depending) look cooler.
3. My humidifier - same reasons as my stapler, only even moreso.
4. That bottle of really, really crappy, cheap, disgusting chardonnay from our opening party that is in my file cabinet.
5. Kevin Elliot's jacket - it is really nice, and he keeps his cigarettes and lighter in there.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

1:30 AM  

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