Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wu Wei

Wu Wei - as I understand it, this is a Chinese expression that mean the path of in-action, in other words, how the world unfolds around you even if you make no effort to participate.

Lately I feel that I have been following the path of Wu Wei. Not by choice necessarily, rather because there are so many options in front of me that I seem to be unable to follow any one of them.

Example: there are things in my life I would like to change
1) I should eat less
2) I should eat healthier
3) I should exercise
4) I should spend less money
5) I should quit smoking

since this is just an example I will stop there, but perhaps you can see where I am going here - all of these things kind of tie together - If I ate healthier I would probably eat less and I would lose weight which would help me exercise more. But if I am going to exercise I should quit smoking which would help me save money but it probably means I would eat more which means I would gain weight so I would probably exercise less...

and so on.

If I were try to do all of the life-changing things at one time I would fail miserably (I know this - I have tried it) but I can't decide which one is the proper course for me, so instead stead I just sit back and let time pass and take no action - thus fulfilling my wu wei destiny.

I really need someone to say - "Ok Media, for the next three months, you have one goal and one goal only - and if you don't, I will beat you with this very large stick."

I don't so much need a fairy godmother as I seem to need a fairy bully?

anyone looking for a new job?


Blogger Greg said...

Okay, Media, for the next three months, you have one goal and one goal only: Find the perfect Ho-Ho.

This will not be an easy task, but I think you can do it. That tasty little treat of perfection is out there somewhere, and you're just the guy to do it.

We are definitely wu wei brothers, in any case. It's getting pretty old, I agree. I'm definitely going to at least clean my place this weekend? That'll get me on the right track!

6:08 AM  
Blogger samiam said...

This is truly useful goal, it really fits in well with the short list of things I said I wanted to accomplish.

In this case i think your role is more that of a sabatuer fairy

8:54 AM  
Blogger misreall said...

Sorry, I already have a husband.

1:15 PM  
Blogger samiam said...

of course a woman sees this as a need that can be filled by nagging... ;)

I really just want somone to come along and wave their magic liposuction wand over me.

9:02 AM  
Blogger misreall said... want a boyfriend?

10:44 AM  
Blogger samiam said...

now that i think about it, it is a rather phallic wish isn't it? "wave their magic wand over me."

huh, hidden depths i guesss.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

1:30 AM  

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