Friday, April 21, 2006

If This Week Had Been...

A director: Uwe Boll
A drink: Malibu & Tab
A meal: McDonalds Filet-O-Fish found under the couch
A kind of coffee: Amaretto Hazelnut Mocha Carob Decaf
A book: Every book ever recommended by Oprah bound into one volume and laid on top of you until it slowly crushed the air from your body
A politician: Cheney
A wound: Paper cut, underneath the fingernail
Brand of chips: Wow! potato chips
One of the Three Stooges: Shemp
A cast member on The Simpsons: Comic Book Guy
A kitchen appliance: Lemon-baller
A serial killer: John Wayne "Everyone Loves A Clown" Gacy
A dystopian future: Waterworld
A dystopian bad guy: Humongous
A generic bad guy: Torgo
leetspeak: rofl omg u fag STFU
Name of this week as MST3K hero in Space Mutiny: Stump Beefnaught/Roll Fizzlebeef (tie)


Blogger samiam said...


1:22 PM  
Blogger misreall said...

Terry once had a roommate in college, that, on Monday, bought an entire bag of McDonald's cheeseburgers. He left the bag sitting next to the couch, and, for then next week, if he was sitting there and got hungry he would just reach in and grab one.

Excuse me, I have to go throw up now.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

3:59 PM  

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