Monday, May 22, 2006

yes, I can still type. I just choose not to most of the time

Here's a little sunshine for you first thing in the morning:

So I go to bed at like 10:00 tonight. After only a few minutes of lying there I realize that there is not a chance in hell I am going to fall asleep, since all I can do is think about work. So what do I do?

I go downstairs and start working., of course. (Yes, I am an imbecile)

Now I am about to try to go back upstairs and try to go to sleep again, but somehow I just know I will be lying there thinking about work. Again.

If only I could find my hammer.

Now for the good news. Misreal, I know you had some technical difficulties on Saturday, but, wonderful savant (go ahead and insert your preferred adjective in front of that last word) that I am, I actually have your lost post here, in all of it's original glory:

There is a new, well, semi-new, Grant Morrison series, SEVEN SOLDIERS OF VICTORY. He takes seven minor DC heroes and recreates them. The only one I had even heard of before was Zatanna, and that is only because she has a Batman connection.

Each issue also uses five different artists, and none of the seven heroescharacters interact, even though their stories are connected and they are working together without knowing it. As usual Morrison is the most imaginative, and potentially completely insane, comic writer out there, but for a change he seems to be reigning in some of his dafter (he's British, so I can totally say that) impulses for the sake of the story.

The first two volumes are out already. Misreall suggests you check them out.

I much prefer this early draft to the final edit. Its seems much more vivacious and eager. This post has it's entire future ahead of it. Little does it know of the rough road it faces ahead. Lets all bow our head in silence for a moment to honor the poor, doomed post.



And on to much less important (interesting? stupid? need another adjective here) news - I have finished re-reading Cryptonomicum, and I think I am about to start re-reading The Baroque Cycle, but I am not sure. I might actually remember it too well at this point, was it just last summer that I read it or was it the summer before that?

huh. I have no idea. I really am an old man now.

On that note: off to bed!


Blogger Greg said...

Trying to mix things up, I took today (Tues.) off. Just couldn't bring myself to go into work after having an irritating "conversation" with my boss on Monday.

Ended up watching the third series of the British spy/drama show "Spooks," renamed "MI-5" for U.S. consumption. Why? The official version is that people in the U.S. wouldn't know what a "spook" was, and NOT that "spook" is/was a racist term here. Not at all. Good show, anyway.

My sleep cycle has gotten screwed up a lot lately, too, for much of the same "busy mind busy mind" reasons. This has been leading to more old man naps, which has led to me being less tolerant of bullshit. Still haven't (re)started any kind of exercise routine.

Really need to actually get back to The Baroque Cycle, too.

6:32 PM  
Blogger misreall said...

I, too, took Tuesday off, mainly because I was sick, but mostly because of being horribly rundown. I haven't worked this many hours since the Clinton event-and that was just long enough ago that I feel old just thinking about it.
Yeah, I should go back and finish the Baroque cycle, too. I sort of think I would have to reread a lot first though-and that also makes me tired.
By the way, thanks for the save on my post-as you can both see, it is truly deathless in both it's beauty and it's wisdom.

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

1:30 AM  

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