Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Today Is The First Day of the Rest of My Day

I've explained on many occaisions that while technically I start work at 8am, I don't really do anything until 9am, the first hour being reserved for dreaming dreamy little dreams and mentally fist-fucking my enemies. These two activities, it should be noted, are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Okay, you caught me: I'm just not that edgy. The first hour is for letting the caffeine and glucose settle into my brain and randomly trolling the internet.

But today the first thing that happened was a woman (who I genuinely like) asked me to write a few lines on how to use WebBoard, a bulletin board software... thing I administrate. Now, to me these instructions on the user end boil down to: (1) log in, (2) click on a conference, (3) post a fucking message. Which is pretty much what I sent back, minus that exact language, as like I said: I like the woman.

But I'm really looking at this incident in one of two ways:

1) I've trained them. They now know that if they must give me a task within the first hour of my being here, that it be simple, easy, and consume no more than 3 brain cells worth of effort. Victory is mine!

2) They're pushing the envelope. Oh, sure, today it was a 2-minute task... but tomorrow they'll be asking me to do some light vacuuming! Then installing MSOffice on a few computers the day after that! Soon, I'll be getting to work at 6am to rebuild server farms and harvest the potatoes. Victory is theirs!

I'll have to keep an eye on this situation.


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7:46 AM  

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