Thursday, February 23, 2006

Eaten Alive

I just was sent a free copy of Eaten Alive : Italian Cannibal and Zombie Movies - which is apparently the definitive book on the subject. It was accidentally sent to the front of the store and one of the new employees opened it by mistake. He brought it back to me and apologized about five times.
As I tend to get an inordinate amount of books that involve disembowling, cannibals, guns, plagues, cemeteries, Japanese murderers, superheroes, swords, Roman legionnaires, Napoleonic soldiers, witches, ghosts, cooking, and knitting (I have an unemployed friend that I try to keep in yarn books) I am treated a bit like I am hybrid of a teenage boy, the crazy woman who puts her dead cats in the deep freeze (because they are hers) and as the Queen of Fucking Darkness.
If only people on the el saw me that way I would probably never have to stand all the way home again.

today's mood as descibed by a fashion writer-"misreall is cut on the bias for more natural movement and flow."


Blogger Greg said...

I've always liked it expressed as "The Queen [or "Prince," if you must] of Fucking Darkness," as I always picture the embodiment of Femme Fatale utterly disgusted that the fool she's about to destroy didn't immediately recognize her (and know not to put any Torani syrup in her Cafe con Leche).

I guess this dovetails, in a way, with my current favorite expression: "For fuck's sake."

11:48 AM  
Blogger samiam said...

I have really been trying to revive "Blimey!" but so far no one is buying into it.

4:16 PM  

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