Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Innovation as a corporate blindfold

This year has been deemed the "Year of Innovation" at my company. Everywhere you go the higher ups are talking about being innovative.

I have an innovative idea "Shut the fuck up about innovation!" There. Now that's innovative. Invigorating even.

They seem to think that if they just say the word frequently enough they will assume the mantle of innovation. There has not been any actual innovation. Everything is still done the same way, looked at the same way, resolved the same way. You just have to hear that damn six ways from Sunday.

Now it is just a question you ask in a meeting to look good "Is that a truly innovative solution?" "We need to invigorate this product with some innovative action." Shit like that.

Maybe I can shift some paradigms with some out-of-the-box thinking about some truly actionable...

Nah. I can't do it. I'm just going to work.

candy bar as metaphor for my mood: Mounds


Blogger Greg said...

[scene: Interior of a room much like the Star Chamber only better lit and with a half-eaten box of donuts on the table. Three men in sinister suits are talking to ROB.]

ROB: Thank you, sirs, for promoting me to management. I won't let you down.

SUIT 1: I sense a soul in the room.

SUIT 2: There is original thought in this one.

SUIT 3: [makes high-pitched whine, eyes wide, pointing accusingly at ROB]

[SUITS fall on ROB like android hyenas, ripping open his skull and replacing his brain with the finely ground text from every Business section bestseller of the last 20 years.]

SUITS [unison]: Welcome aboard, Rob.

ROB [standing up]: Donuts? Are we out of babies?

Or, I imagine, something like that.

7:30 AM  

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