Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hi Ho Hi Ho

I've just discovered something about myself:

I no longer like working - it is not fulfilling. I gain no joy, no satisfaction, no growth, no redemption and never quite enough money from work.

I use to think that if I just worked hard enough I would gain... something. I really have no idea what that thing might be (other than a bad attitude apparently) but I don't think I have it. Nor do I necessarily believe that sometime over the next 30 or so years that I will, either. And I really have no right to whine like this, I know that I am actually quite fortunate in the job I have, hell, if I were to read a written description of the job I have, I would think "What lucky bastard gets to do that?" But it is still just a job.

Growing up you envision the life ahead of you as being full of champagne and caviar. As you age, those dreams are reeled back in a little bit more each year until you are perfectly content just being part of the middle class. It really isn't such a bad place to be - it has lots of perks, and I don't want you to think that I am complaining, not by any means. But I do have to admit that quite frequently all I find myself wishing for is to be left alone.

Does that make me a bad person?

mood described as exclamation: blech!

P.S. If I ever post any more of this self-pitying drivel, you would be perfectly within your rights to kill me. Painfully and horrificly.


Blogger misreall said...

Hah, now I feel better about my earlier selfpity festaganza. Working is horrible. Knowing that this is your fate is horrible. Your time being someone elses is horrible.
I can only think about how much worse farmers must feel (they make themselves get up before dawn) and it gives me a little glow.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I think the difference between us is that I've *never* liked working. My best job was probably The Booksmith, and that mainly for nostalgia's sake.

My ideal job involves:

1. Gobs of money
2. Work at home
3. No set hours
4. Nothing really expected of me, but when I actually do something it's all praise and bonuses.

And, of course, frequent visits from horny lingerie models, but I'm trying to keep this realistic here.

But it's rare to log onto and see listings for "Wanted: Someone to be independently wealthy, must have own level 60 World of Warcraft character."

6:50 AM  

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