Monday, March 06, 2006

Too Busy

Ever have one of those times where you have so much to do that you can't make yourself do any of it?

I am in one of those phases right now. My list of things to do just keeps getting longer, and being put off because I am constantly getting interrupted to put out little fires.

Even when I do get an open slot of time, I use it for important things, like posting to this blog. I know that I should just start what I need to do, but the list has grown so daunting that now I just try to avoid thinking about, let alone actually doing anything from it.

Not really the smartest response to this situation, but I can't seem to provoke myself to action. That is my goal for today - I need to get some of these damn things off my list.

Wish me luck. I know I will need it.

cooking ingredient as metaphor for my mood: molasses


Blogger misreall said...

So do you have a sibling named Multi?

1:28 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I actually feel this way all the time, except I'm actually far more pathetic: I really don't have Big Things To Do, yet seem paralyzed whenever I get more than 3 Little Things To Do.

Hell, I haven't flossed in weeks!

6:02 AM  

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