Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Mardi Gras

For all that I love New Orleans I have never been all that excited about Mardi Gras. Since I have been visiting the city I have grandly made a point of going for Halloween instead-having been told that it is more like old Mardi Gras, more locals, more masking, fewer tourists/fratboys/tits. Actually there always seemed to be plenty of tits, so I can only imagine what Fat Tuesday is like.
This year I really wish that I was there. I want to be giving back by giving some damned money. But mostly I love the idea of a city in our puritanical, dull, fearful age chosing to spit in the wind in the name of tradition. To be abnormal for the sake of what they consider to be normal.
I read some where that, pre-Katrina, 85% of the NOLA population had been born and raised in the city, that they wouldn't leave or live anywhere else. I love Chicago, I have loved LA when I have been there, Boston is wonderful, and, while I don't like it, I am somewhat in awe of New York, but I can't even imagine 85% of any of those cities choosing to stay there.
Anyway, I probably should have posted this yesterday. But drink something before midnight, 'cause Lent is coming, and it is going to be dark and cold for all us sinners.

Oh, and if by any chance a young man who was working at Jean Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop on the afternoon of the Saturday before Katrina should ever happen to see this, or hear about it, my husband and I want to thank you. We think about you all the time.

My mood as described by a street corner in New Orleans : Bourbon and St. Philip.


Blogger Greg said...

I'm in a very bad mood today. Not exactly sure why, though I can point accusingly with wide crazy eyes at a few things.

I could use a few happy, drunk women pointing their tits at me to cheer me up, frankly.

7:40 AM  
Blogger samiam said...

uhh, Raindog? When exactly would what you just said ever not be true?

9:30 AM  

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