Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Everybody's a Critic

Found this on the web a moment ago:

You never know where you'll be when that gum runs out of flavor and you need a spot to park it. For one 12-year-old, the spot turned out to be the lower left corner of The Bay, a 1963 abstract painting by Helen Frankenthaler valued at $1.5 million. The boy, a student at the private Holly Academy, was on a field trip to the Detroit Institute of Art when he decided, for some reason, that Frankenthaler's painting was a good place to stash that used up wad of Wrigley's Extra Polar Ice gum. The gum left a stain about the size of a quarter, museum officials said. It should take about two weeks to make repairs to the canvas and no lasting damage is expected. The unnamed miscreant, meanwhile, has been suspended from school and disciplined by his parents.

I can't decide if I hate or love the child that did this. I suppose I would let this one fall in to the spare the rod camp.

Only because someone that stupid isn't going to live long, and why make his short, meager, little life any worse?

As long as he doesn't ever breed.


Blogger Greg said...

I give this post a half-chewed Bubblicious to the left eyebrow.

Kudos, sir!

1:54 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Now that I see the picture:

Oh my god, that's a HUGE piece of bubble gum! What is that, blueberry?!

Kid should be shot.

6:09 AM  

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